
Elevate your audio game!

While there are plenty of very helpful tutorials on the internet, we’ve noticed that there is a big demand for sharing specific knowledge.

We offer advice in 3 categories.


Usually when a client reaches out to White Sea Studio for a mix or master, the recording process has already been done. By providing clients with fresh ears and a hi-end monitoring setup, flaws in the recording could be quickly heard. Instead of fixing these flaws in the mix, we want to help you by guiding your recording process, so you can get it right the first time.

Mixing & Mastering

Struggling with getting that snare to sound just right? There are so many variable in both mixing and mastering that it’s easy to loose a general overview. We would love to dive, together with you, in your project to figure out where the issues are.


When setting up your home studio, there are a lot of choices to be made. Not only do you need to find a way through the huge amount of choice in equipment, but you’ll also have to figure out how to put everything together and create a fluent workflow. Since we’ve got a lot of experience with a wide variety of equipment and studio setups, we can assist you with making these choices

We offer advice on an hourly basis. You can book advice calls using the tool below.

Not sure yet? Contact us and ask your question!