our studio
White Sea Studio is equipped with a customised Quasar monitor setup, built by LennArt Audio, which was entirely calibrated to our preferences.
This unique combination of design and precision guarantees that the mixes and masters created in our studio sound great everywhere.
To get the most out of our Quasar monitors, our room acoustics have to be top-notch.
Our acoustic environment and tailor-made Quasar monitors combine to produce an accurate, truthful and transparent representation of your music.
Neumann console
White Sea Studio boasts a fully restored vintage Neumann N20 mixing console, which allows for a very efficient workflow.
Its design provides optimal acoustics, and it has served as the basis for the rest of the desk’s design.
Tape compression
Tape compression is a highly sought-after effect in many music genres, which we use when it suits the music.
Thanks to a custom relay box, our well-maintained MCI JH-24 can be ready to use in an instant. That’s also true for our EMT 140 plate reverb.
Analogue signal processing
The warm, organic sounds of signal processing offer a distinctive audio character that digital equipment cannot easily replicate.
We also understand the need for digital signal processing for certain projects and strive to use digital processing when it matters most.
AD/DA conversion
In order to connect all our equipment, White Sea Studio uses RME high-end AD/DA converters.
RME is renowned for its excellent engineering, reliability and long-term software support.